Will my Hot Mod V2 or Lynch Mod/Mr. Scary Mod work in my amp?

Perhaps this is the most common question we receive here when people first inquire about the Hot Mod V2, Lynch Mod, and Mr. Scary Mod. And of course we also offer a reverse-wired version so that either model can also function in many of the reissue amps which the original Soldano Hot Mod could not. In general, although there are non-master and master volume amps listed here, note that all of our mod devices generally work better if your amp has a master volume on it.  So here is the list:


Marshall (vintage, JMP): 1986, 1987, 1987T, 1959, 1959HW (reissue), 1962,1968, 1992, 2203*, 2204*, 2104, 2103, 1989, 2245 (JTM 45)

*2203 and 2204 amps (and related 2103, 2104 combos) made from 1976 until about early 1979 didn’t use shielded wire for pin 7 of the V1 tube. This wire is sensitive when added gain is put into the circuit and can cause oscillation/squeal when the preamp gain control is moved to about 6 or above. The correction, which Marshall did from the factory from around early 1979 and later, is to use shielded wire for that particular pin 7 and replace the non-shielded green wire. This is an encouraged update that should be made to the earlier amps by a professional tech so that they will operate more quietly, with or without the HMV2/Lynch Mod added to the circuit:

Marshall JCM 800:

2000 (V3 position),

1987, 1959, 2103, 2203, 2203KK, 2104, 2204,

2205 (1981-1983 models only),

2210 (1981-1983 models only),

4010, 4103, 4104,

4210 (1981-1983 only),

4211(1981-1983 only),

4212 (1981-1983 only)

Marshall JCM 900: 2500, 2501, 2502, 2100, 2101

Marshall JCM 2000: TSL 60 (in V3). For others, see reverse wire options below!

Marshall DSL40 C/CR – Standard wire in V3. Requires socket extender (now included with all orders as of 3/11/24 onward) and combo fastener kit. Click to order mod with fastener system here.

Marshall DSL100H – Standard wire in V3

Marshall Vintage Reissue: 1987x (pre-2003 without Marshall factory effects loop), 1959 (without factory effects loop), 2245THW (handwired JTM 45 reissue), 1959 YJM

Marshall Studio: This new series of mini 20 watt heads require the removal of the L bracket and thumbscrew so that the units can fit into the PCB-mounted socket in the amp which does not use a base tube shield.

SC20H/SV20H heads – Standard wire compatible in V2

IMPORTANT NOTE: SC20H and SV20H amps are NOT COMPATIBLE with earlier “pre-EVO” Hot Mod V2 units.

SC20C/SC20C combos (compatible when purchased here with fastener kit) – email with questions to david@legendarytones.com.  

Order Reverse Wire Reissue (RI) version of the Hot Mod V2/Lynch Mod/Mr. Scary Mod to use with the following amps: 

JCM 800 800 2203X reissue (all years), 2203ZW (Zakk Wylde signature)

1987X (model year 2003+ w/Marshall added effects loop)

1959SLP (w/Marshall added effects loop),

1959RR (Randy Rhoads Signature)

JTM 45 reissue model 2245, Bluesbreaker reissue combo 1962,

Marshall JCM 2000 series DSL/TSL 50/100: reverse wire model is compatible with socket extension now included with all orders as of 3/11/24 onward.

NOTES ON OTHER AMPS (Standard & Reverse Wire)

Ampeg: Model V5 uses standard wire mod in V2 position.

Bad Cat: Hot Cat uses standard wire in V3 position.

Bogner: Shiva (standard wire) in V3 position. If using an upside-down chassis version where tubes are facing downwards, order mod with fastener system here.

Clones: The Hot Mod V2 has been found to work well in a variety of Marshall 1959/1987/2203/2204 clone and similar circuits including: Ceriatone, Germino, Mojotone, Wangs (All Use Standard Wire Mod). If your clone amp is based on a 2203/2204 design and has any squealing/oscillation noise when using it with the HMV2/Lynch Mod/Mr. Scary Mod, it is likely because the amp doesn’t use shielded wire on pin 7 of V1 like Marshall amps use on their 2203/2204 designs from 1979+. This would be a good update to perform on the clone amp, regardless of the use of the HMV2/Lynch Mod/Mr. Scary Mod or not as Pin 7 of V1 tends to be sensitive.

Egnater: Vengeance (V2), Tourmaster (V4) , Rebel 30 (V2)

Friedman: Runt 50 (V3), Runt 20** (V2), JEL 20 (V2)** and JJ Jr.**(V2) heads are each compatible with the reverse-wire version of the Hot Mod V2 Evo and Lynch/Mr. Scary Mods. The Small Box (V2), PLEX (V2), Dirty Shirley (V2),Twin Sister (V2), BE-100 (V3), JEL 50 (V2), JEL 100 (V3), and Pink Taco(v2) ** and Little Sister (V2)** are also compatible but require use of standard wired HMV2E or Lynch Mod/Mr. Scary Mod. For Runt series combo amps, order mod with fastener system here. IMPORTANT NOTE: Friedman amps are NOT COMPATIBLE with earlier “pre-EVO” Hot Mod V2 units.

**NOTE 2: While the Runt 20 (reverse wire),JEL 20, JJ Jr. (reverse wire), Pink Taco (standard wire), and Little Sister (standard wire) models are sonically compatible with the HMV2E and Lynch Mod/Mr. Scary Mod, the head enclosures are too shallow and don’t have enough depth to fit the HMV2E chassis without FIRST removing the amp chassis from the head box. So if you would like to use the HMV2E with these amps, you first need to remove the chassis bolts, slide out the chassis, install the mod, and then slide the chassis back into its head box and retighten the chassis bolts. Also, Pink Taco and Little Sister require minor modifications to our mods to allow fit. Please email david@legendarytones.com after ordering to notify us.

Lee Jackson: XLS-100 compatible with standard wire mod in V3

Mesa Boogie: Compatible with single, dual and triple rectifier series two-channel amps with use of a standard wire mod in V3 position. Single rectifier and Badlander (standard wire – use in V2 position) – requires socket extension – now included with all orders as of 3/11/24 onward.

03/09/24 Update! Three-channel rectifiers are now validated compatible! V3 position, standard wire, standard and multi-watt version requires socket extension. 

This mod is a great option to be able to keep the preamp gain control set lower at the front end in order to maintain note definition/articulation and then use the mod for an added gain stage later in the circuit to bring the sustain and ultimately have a tighter, more aggressive and dynamic tone and feel. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Mesa amps above are NOT COMPATIBLE with earlier “pre-EVO” Hot Mod V2 units.

Metaltronix – M-1000, standard wire V3

Orange: Many Orange models do not use a traditional cathode follower type tone stack which the mod needs in order to make a connection and add its gain stage. However, the OR50 we have found is compatible. We’ll updated the list as soon as we learn about additional models.

Jet City: JCA5212 reverse wire V4 position. Also reverse wire version will work in JCA20/22H in V3 and JCA50H/JCA100H in V4. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Jet City amps above  are NOT COMPATIBLE with earlier “pre-EVO” Hot Mod V2 units.

Peavey: Standard wire version of the mod is compatible with the VTM-60, VTM-120 and Butcher (original 1980s version) amps. NOTE: These amps will require the tube socket extension which is now included with all of our mods. 

PRS: The PRS HDRX 100, 50, and 20 are compatible with the reverse wire version of our mods. IMPORTANT NOTE: The PRS amps listed above are NOT COMPATIBLE with earlier “pre-EVO” Hot Mod V2 units.

Sovtek: The standard wire version of the mod is compatible with most Mig 50, Mig 60 and Mig 100 amplifiers. Note there are some variations of the chassis where the mod may not physically fit. Email david@legendarytones.com to help verify your particular amp.

Soldano: Reverse wire version in V4 for original SLO 50, SLO 100, HR50, HR100. For MKII version of SLO 100 or SLO 30 shipped from Boutique Amp Distribution, use reverse-wire version of mod in V3 position. IMPORTANT NOTE: Soldano amps are NOT COMPATIBLE with earlier “pre-EVO” Hot Mod V2 units.

Victory: Sheriff 44 uses reverse wire in V2 position.

VOX: AC30TB and AC30TBX (1994-2004 Korg Era Vox, Made in England) uses a reverse-wire version of the mod and goes into V5 position (counted from left with V1 closest to input jack). Order reverse wire with our combo fastening kit and socket extension here. Our mod effects the Brilliant channel only.

The Vox AC30HW2 and AC30HW2X are compatible with a standard wire version of our mod in V2 position. It effects the Top Boost channel only.

Other Amps: The Hot Mod V2 is designed to work with amps which use a cathode follower design into the tone stack. We will continue to work with manufacturers to test and validate future compatibility to this ever-evolving page.

Popular amps that the HMV2/Lynch Mod/Mr. Scary Mod DO NOT WORK with include: Marshall Silver Jubilee series, Marshall Origin series, Marshall Vintage Modern Series, Mesa Boogie “Mark” series amps, Bugera 1960, Carvin amps, and Hiwatt DR series. 

Note for using the mod with higher-gain amps: With amps such as those by Friedman, Mesa, and Soldano, it may seem counterintuitive to consider using our mods. However, our mods insert gain in an amp’s LATER stages, so what it enables is the ability to reduce the gain at the initial preamp front end control panel and get more articulation and/or put the amp in the “sweet spot” by not overusing its initial gain. Preamp gain controls generally don’t sound good in amps when they are maxed as they become loose/flubby. So by reducing the initial preamp gain on the amp but then adding the mod “downstream” in the circuit at the tone stack, you can bring back the needed sustain while also maintaining your note articulation.  The feel is very different from boosting the entire front end with a pedal though there is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach either.  With our mods, it’s NOT just about “adding more gain” in these applications but rather maintaining definition and note articulation with newly added sustain by the way the mods deploy the gain within the circuit. MANY customers have discovered this application in higher gain amplifiers and are enjoying the results. Read our blog for more about this topic.

Further Questions? Email david@legendarytones.com


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